Make and Take-Evergreen Container Class - FULL

11/14/2020 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM CT




  • $40.00  -  Member
  • $45.00  -  Non-Member


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* This class is currently full. Please add your name to the waitlist to be notified if anything opens up.

Make and Take-Evergreen Container Class
Saturday, November 14, 10 – 11:30 a.m.

$40 members, $45 nonmembers

Location: Wagners Greenhouse, 6024 Penn Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN


Take a break from your day and head over to Wagner’s Greenhouses to make a winter container! Simple and attractive winter evergreen arrangements will add beauty and color throughout winter to your front door. After a brief presentation, you will work with a variety of greens, including red and white pine, cedar, balsam, and dogwood, to create an eye-catching evergreen container, and your choice of red or yellow dogwood to add height and color to your container.
Enhance your winter container with purchases from Wagners, including natural products like winterberry, pinecones, pods and birch branches, or colorful baubles to go glitter and glam.  Please bring your gardening gloves and pruners. Dress warm as we will be working in the greenhouse, and please wear a mask.

Instructor: Chris Gueorguiev is a manager at Wagner's Garden Center in Minneapolis. She has been with Wagner for 19 years, and her passion is container gardening for all seasons.